Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Many People Essay

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Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Many people see job satisfaction and organizational commitment as being the same thing, but that is really not the case. They are two different sides to the same coin. Job satisfaction is based on the contentedness level a person experiences with his or her particular job or career (Spector, 1997). There are two different ways to look at the issue of job satisfaction, as well. People can have high scores with their overall job satisfaction, but may have low scores with specific areas of their job and how satisfied they are with those areas (Spector, 1997). This is something that should be noted, because numerous factors can affect a person's true job satisfaction. If he or she is happy with the overall job but unhappy with specific aspects of that job, that can lead to a lower level of satisfaction over time (Spector, 1997). In some cases, one of the facets of the job that is producing unhappiness or dissatisfaction may be a very large part of the job, which can make the dissatisfaction very significant.

Organizational commitment, however, is based on how psychologically attached the person is to a particular organization (Meyer & Allen, 2007).

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If he or she is very attached to an organization, that does not necessarily mean that he or she is happy with the job. There are other jobs and opportunities within the organization in most cases. A person who is not satisfied with his or her job but who has a high level of organizational commitment may attempt to remain with the organization and see if there is a different job for which he or she would be more suited (Meyer & Allen, 2007). Job dissatisfaction can also lower the commitment a person has to an organization if he or she feels as though treatment is inappropriate or unacceptable. Although job satisfaction and organizational commitment are often closely related, they do not have to be, in that a person can have one without engaging in the other (Meyer & Allen, 2007). This is important to remember when people express frustration with their job or the company.

Organizational commitment is more strongly related to performance for the selected company, which is Starbucks. There are many other companies where a person can work doing many of….....

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