Job Find Programs the Department Term Paper

Total Length: 1014 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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Congress allocates approximately $220 million annually for TAA training (Labor, 2006). Each year, the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration allocates 75% of available TAA funds, or $165 million (Labor, 2006). The remaining 25% of funds are reserved for states experiencing large, unexpected layoffs during the year. States may request additional money from the reserve account after they have spent at least 50% of the allocated TAA funds (Labor, 2006). "

As this allotment and others like it illustrate the job programs in place are designed to help those who have educations or trade backgrounds and experience.

They provide additional benefits and perks to those in that position but for those who are unskilled and have been laid off of minimum wage positions the job programs do very little to assist them.

A case in point was when Kmart opted to close down more than 300 of its stores nationwide that were underperforming with revenue.

The decision impacted more than 300,000 employees and a program was implemented to extend unemployment benefits to those who needed it and to provide training and relocation to those who wanted to be retrained and get new jobs.

One recent study showed that for every dollar spent the department of labor saved more than six dollars that would have been paid out in benefits (EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS GENERATE DOLLARS (http://www.

The report shows that from an expenditure of $14,213,309 in primarily federal and state grants the Department of Labor receives to administer employment and training programs in Suffolk County, $94,858,124 was returned

Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy said, "Funding employment and training programs makes good economic sense. Keeping people working is in everyone's best interest. Reliance on unemployment insurance is lessened, welfare costs are reduced and newly earned wages are pumped right back into the local economy. The Cost Benefit Analysis quantifies the continued need for job training programs"

The programs included the Workforce Investment Act, the Suffolk Works Employment Program and the Food Stamp Employment Program and Training Program.

The programs in place for job finding through the department of labor and other government agencies can be very helpful for many displaced workers and should continue to do their work however, additional outreach programs need to be put into place for those who are unskilled and lose their positions.

If these things were done the unemployment rate would be reduced, people would be able to work and support their families and reduce the welfare cases across the nation as well......

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