JFK the Camelot Period Term Paper

Total Length: 394 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+



The Camelot Years:

The years in which John F. Kennedy served as President of the United States (1961-1963) are often referred to as the "Camelot Years," due to his efforts to move the country forward and his image as a youthful, vigorous and confident leader, not to mention the presence of his eloquent and sophisticated wife, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. These "Camelot years" were also highlighted by Kennedy's inaugural address in 1961 in which he summoned all Americans to shoulder "the burden of a long twilight struggle. . . against the common enemies of man -- poverty, disease and war itself" (Schlesinger, 1965, p. 56).

Kennedy's Accomplishments:

During these years, Kennedy accomplished much which helped to invigorate the country and bring together all Americans for a common cause. Kennedy took office in the midst of a recession and his first objective was to promote economic recovery which was accomplished by increases in social security payments, raising the minimum wage and by providing funds to extend jobless benefits for the unemployed. In 1963, when unemployment was high among young persons and African-Americans, Kennedy initiated a huge reduction of more than $13….....

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