Jf Kennedy Assassination of Jf Kennedy: A Essay

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JF Kennedy Assassination

Assassination of JF Kennedy: A turning point

The USA has undergone a lot of significant historical events and progresses and changes over time that have helped shape the future of the nation from the time they occurred. The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy was one of the most significant turning points in the history of America in various aspects as will be explained herein.

JF Kennedy was the 35th president of the U.S.A. And was lethally shot on November 22, 1963 at 12:30 PM as he travelled through Dealey Plaza in Dallas. He was openly shot by a sniper twice, wounds that would lead him to death shortly after. This was a historical moment since the death of a president in such a manner had not been seen there before.

The times leading to the assassination of Kennedy were filled with numerous political activities. Kennedy had just signed a national memorandum No. 263 that ordered 1,000 American advisors to return home and there shortly in 1965 the troops that would remain in Vietnam were to follow (North Star Report, 2013).

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Kennedy, then the president towards the end o f his first term in office, was gearing up for elections that were to be held in 1964 and there were all indicators that he was going to win a second term. There were several issues he had to deal with in order to ensure the stability of his campaigns and the government in general, some of which were not popular among some people. Once of the most talked about is the corrupt Federal Reserve System which he vowed to streamline as well as his unwavering stand against organized crimes such as the Operation Northwoods.

The assassination of Kennedy was therefore seen, widely, as a consequence of intricate political forces in play and the forces against reforms. These are people who feared that Kennedy would take up the presidency seat again and go further to implement the changes that he had promised. Hence his elimination from the political scene was seen as the best option out since trying to get him out of politics had already failed as he enjoyed vast support from the.....

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