Islamic Female Oppression the Objective Thesis

Total Length: 1789 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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The religion of Islam is very misunderstood and pervasively skewed within its true meaning and original intent by extremists in the Islamic society. Never did the prophet intend that the abuses and oppression which today's Muslim women suffer should occur. It is the conclusion of this writer that extremists exist in all religions and these are those who garner the most attention and receive the most press however, those who are moderate and who adhere to the true beliefs and meaning of the Islamic religions receive little attention and little press and even littler in the way of chances to convey the truth of this religion to the world. The abuses and oppression will continue however, it is hopeful that the ignorance surrounding the Muslim religion will eventually lose out to better dissemination of information and to more intelligent reporting backed by diligent investigation of the facts.

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Soares, Claire (2009) Delara Darabi: 'Oh Mother, I Can See The Noose'. The Independent UK. 4 May 2009. Online available at:

Zahra, Sadaf (2005) Women in Pakistan -- Victims of the Social and Economic Desecration" In Defense of Marxism. 10 Oct 2005. online available at:

Ahmed, L. (1993) Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate

Yale University Press, 1993

Khan, L.A. (2003) A theory of universal democracy: beyond the end of history

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2003.

Paidar, P. (1997) Women and the political process in twentieth-century Iran

Cambridge University Press, 1997

Jaggar, A.M. And Young, I.M. (2000) A Companion to Feminist Philosophy

Wiley-Blackwell, 2000

Miller, B.D. (1993) Sex and gender hierarchies, Society for….....

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