Iraq and Kuwait Conflict Pecipitating Term Paper

Total Length: 1573 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Thus, Iraq has defied the economic embargo applied according to resolution 661 and has not cooperated with the arms inspection imposed by the UN Security Council through Resolution 665 (Leurdijk and Beernink, 2002).

Therefore, the state of Kuwait can no longer consider itself protected by the international community and by the United Nations which it trusts greatly. The international law offers the possibility to retaliate in a manner that can save the people and territory of Kuwait from being subjected to increase suffering at the hands of the Iraqi army. The right to intervene in the name of a sovereign state attacked by Iraq is legitimate and should be used accordingly.

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The events that started on August 2 may lead to further distress for the surrounding countries and will be an obvious affront to the legitimacy of the United Nations as well as to the power of the international law which governs the relations between states......

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