IQ Tests: The Best of Term Paper

Total Length: 678 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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All of these students will have different educational needs, even if they have the same numerical IQ. Thus, "the discrepancy," of a score below 100 or average, will not tell educators "anything about what kind of intervention might help the child learn" in a fashion that is useful to the educators. (Benson, 2003)

Binet, the originator of intelligence testing, evolved his test to identify if students had normal intelligence and could enter the French school system -- a child either passed or failed this early test. Later, he saw the tests as a way of identifying weaknesses or strengths, which the educational system could address. (Benson, 2003) But while some of the information gleaned from contemporary IQ tests can be useful, data from intelligence testing has been used to validate racial theories of innate, or genetically passed along intelligence. Early classification of students with low IQs can ignore what is called the Flynn effect, or the ability of IQ to rise, if children receive the correct exposure, as well as practical intelligence.
("Intelligence and Achievement Testing: Is the Half Full Glass Getting Fuller? APA Online: Monitor on Psychology, 2006)

At best, IQ tests can provide a rough guide for teachers, a tool for learning. The numerical designation of IQ as a kind of a holy grail, a way of defining genius or incapacity must cease. Furthermore, the child's actual behavior in the classroom and at home "is often a better indicator of a child's ability than an abstract intelligence test, so children might get educational services that are more appropriate to their needs if IQ tests were discouraged," notes one teacher. (Benson, 2003) Although IQ testing is unlikely to die, its cultural predominance and value in the educational community must be put in proper, limited perspective.


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