IPad: Advertising and Marketing Apple's 'Next New Essay

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iPad: Advertising and marketing Apple's 'next new thing' iPad: The advertising campaign strategy

What exactly is an iPad? One of the initial challenges of marketing this new device from Apple was explaining to consumers precisely what the iPad offered in terms of value and functionality. It was neither a laptop or a mobile phone, or strictly an e-reader. Apple called the device an iPod Touch on steroids: a touch-screen e-reader and Web tablet that was smaller than a laptop yet larger than a mobile phone. With a price tag of $499-$829, the product seemed clearly targeted at a high-end market, given that most of the features of the iPad were already offered by other, existing devices such as phones and computers. The uses for the product were not new and cutting edge, rather it was the integrated nature of the design that was unique, much like the iPhone. It was designed for the person who already has everything Apple -- but wants more.

The challenge of the iPad marketing campaign can be summed up as follows: "Will they [the target consumers] be willing to type on a full-size virtual keyboard? And will they be satisfied buying their books (and magazines and newspapers) in electronic form? Or, more importantly, spend money on something that essentially combines the capability of devices they probably already possess?" (Ogg 2010). It was assumed by many industry analysts that Apple would focus upon likely users who wanted new technology for technology's sake, and would use Apple's newest device as an accessory to promote their trendiness. "Apple marketing tends to focus on the low-hanging fruit, people who already believe in the Apple religion. They get those people to buy products first, and then market by word of mouth" observed one marketing analyst (Ogg 2010).

It seemed that Apple was going to initially market the iPad as a 'revolutionary' device in a manner that was likely to attract such 'low-hanging' marketing fruit, Apple's actual advertising campaign for the iPad cast a wider net than young hipsters. When marketing the iPad, Apple stressed its utility in business and educational settings, for young and old. The Apple website notes how an iPad allows students to purchase books, to make presentations, as well as to surf the Internet with ease and access mail. The iPad's size makes it portable yet easy enough to read for the dense prose required for school.

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The iPad's applications in the workplace, Apple states, show that it is not a mere fad. The iPad can be used in business presentations and to share documents and information between workers (Apple: Business iPad, 2011, Apple Official Website). More versatile than a mobile phone and less cumbersome than a laptop, Apple believes the iPad can become a lasting and practical part of modern commerce.

One of the great advantages of using the Internet to market its products is that Apple can more carefully segment its marketing strategy. For consumers who fit the more typical Apple profile, it can create a webpage and promotional campaign that stresses the beauty and sleekness of the device. However, for educational and business use, it can list (in equally stylish fashion) the unique benefits an iPad can provide.

Domestic and international marketing iPad's domestic advertising strategy has been extremely successful thus far. Because the demand for the iPad has been so strong in the U.S., Apple elected to delay the iPad2's international launch. This caused demand to spike even higher in Asia's grey market for technology, as many people are buying iPads in the U.S. And selling them at nearly double the cost elsewhere. "High demand and limited roll-out for Apple's iPad 2 have pushed prices as high as $1,500 on the grey market in Asia" (Foreman 2011). While on one hand few companies approve of such 'grey marketing' this frenzied selling and stories of people paying stratospheric prices abroad also creates good market 'buzz' for Apple, and makes the trendiness of its product even more alluring to its core audience.

Evaluates factors considered selecting advertising campaign strategy

One reason that Apple clearly….....

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