Intuition by Allegra Goodman: The Research Proposal

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Thus, to bring Cliff's supposed cure into a world where people are desperate for hope, when it is not adequately backed with science, seems dangerous.

There is also the question of obtaining funding for research, an obsession amongst all of Goodman's scientists. Scientists must prove that their research is bearing fruit, and it is very tempting to exaggerate the positive effects initially, in the hopes of gaining funding that will pay off in the long run. Goodman suggests that science has been corrupted by both a hunger for money and a hunger for publicity that has tainted the real reasons people entered science in the first place. A 'good' or pure scientist does not really exist any more, when politics and the need to make a profit, more than evidence, dictates the truth, instead of hard data and the desire of the scientist to heal. Both Cliff and Robin are partially 'good' scientists, but the scientists at Philpott Institute who applaud Cliff's results and ask questions only later are not 'good ' because they are not motivated by caring, like Cliff, or the intellectual quest to know more about human health, like Robin.

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The results of the book are not surprising to individuals who have grown cynical about the influence of money on modern medical research in the labs of corporations and universities. However, Intuition does remind the reader that pure scientific objectivity is a myth, and scientists are not automatons, but humans capable of being biased by their own egos and prejudices. To some extent, it is 'good' that scientists are human, because if they were not they would not be able to have the leaps in logic and passionate drive to cure that has brought the human race so many valuable vaccines and palliatives. But the humanity behind the science must be kept in mind by all intelligent consumers of medicine, when reviewing medical data and claims.


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