Introducing Myself Term Paper

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strong, flexible, and versatile as bamboo, I offer a youthful and open-minded perspective. If I were an organization, I would be an egalitarian one, dedicated to listening to the needs, concerns, and suggestions of all its members. As a human being, I approach all my relationships, both casual and intimate, with enthusiasm and equality. I enjoy engaging others in conversation because I relish the opinions of others, even when they vastly differ from my own. In fact, I particularly enjoy times when I have the opportunity to hear perspectives different from my own, especially controversial ones. For example, I engaged a friend in a heated political debate; she held right-wing views and belonged to the Young Republicans at school. I have always been more liberal; together we argued amicably for hours over lunch. I believe that the world would be a better place if people were more open-minded and willing to understand the beliefs of those who they disagree with. Therefore, I realize that my greatest strength as a person is my innate flexibility and adaptability.

Not only do I appreciate differing viewpoints; I also adapt well to foreign surroundings. I love traveling and feel that seeing different parts of the world is the best way to become self-educated. Only through peering into other ways of life are we able to understand and appreciate what makes each of us unique. Through traveling I have been able to understand myself and my own culture better, too. Especially as a minority student, I feel able to adjust to a wide variety of situations. For example, I know students from a range of different ethnic and social backgrounds. My school has African-American students, Latino students, and Asian students. I have visited their homes and met their families and have been introduced to the nuances of other cultures through their food, customs, and languages. Therefore, one of my greatest strengths, related to my ability to understand different points-of-view, is my deep appreciation for cultural diversity.
Especially as our world is becoming more heterogeneous, I feel that this trait is especially important. If I were an organization, I would commit myself thoroughly to encouraging and maintaining a healthy representation of all the world's cultures. As an individual, I would bring a unique awareness of diversity to the workplace.

Besides flexibility and open-mindedness, versatility is also one of my greatest strengths. Much like my trademark bamboo, I can grow and adapt to almost any new environment quickly and easily. Bamboo can grow in wide ranges of climates and soil conditions; likewise, I can enjoy myself no matter where I am, as when I travel. The customs of other cultures can throw some travelers off, but I thrive on the little differences that make each of us unique. Rather than criticize the beliefs and values of others, I seek to incorporate the ideas of others into my own worldview.

Just as the bamboo plant is hearty and strong, I am able to flow with unexpected challenges. For instance, once I took a road trip with a friend and we got lost after taking a wrong turn on the freeway. Rather than become worried or afraid, we simply drove up to a small diner and enjoyed a leisurely lunch. We ended up having a wonderful conversation with the people sitting next to us after asking for directions. In fact, we still keep in touch with them through e-mail. This story illustrates that I am able to handle stressful situations calmly. This trait comes in handy in daily life, for we will always experience the unexpected. I face the world with confidence and courage, knowing that I can handle any situation.

I have a penchant for the new, and love trying new foods, listening to new music, meeting new people, and traveling to new places. This preference for freshness is one of my specialties. Nature itself demonstrates an incredible….....

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