Intranet View the Existing Intranet System Database Essay

Total Length: 640 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The existing intranet system database needs to be enlarged enough to handle the professional activity selections, alerts, social features, documentation features, scheduling features and user calendars, user accounts, and management accounts for 30,000 plus users. "The site navigation must be highly robust and capable of handling multiple types of information displays in an effective and useable presentation" (Mandel). The existing intranet should have a link labeled professional development to go to this part of the site. Integrate into the system some share point software (Administrator, 2011) and a groupware software suite (Scheduling Calendar) to implement the professional development site navigation.

It needs a sign in/register page. There needs to be an enrollment page where users set up an account; city, state, department, position, name, and personal email address. Password requirement should be 8-12 characters in length with 2 numbers and 2 capital letters, as well as lower case letters. User name should be first name and the first letter of the last name. The account page needs a toolbar at the top consisting of activities coming up, documentation, and social.

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There needs to be an activity due section right under this toolbar. A calendar for scheduled activities needs to be right under the activity due section with the navigation feature to go to the different months and years. The site also needs a management feature for updating activities and activities due, testing of the site, and social monitoring capabilities.

The toolbar links should take the user to other pages. The activities coming up page should have built in links to the listed activities for the users to schedule for the activity and the activity is automatically placed on their individual calendar. The activities should also have a link that shows every employee that has scheduled for that individual activity by name and location. The documentation link should automatically send the proper manager with alerts to the manager of….....

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