Interviews on Nursing I Interviewed Three People. Term Paper

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Interviews on Nursing

I interviewed three people. Lucile is 80 years old. The only hospitalization she has had, except for the birth of her child, was for a hip replacement two years ago. I also interviewed Lucile's daughter, Roberta. Roberta is 50 and has diabetes. Finally, I interviewed Roberta's nephew, Robert. Robert is a 20-year-old college student.

Is nursing a profession?

Lucile: I think it's a profession. Nurses have to have a lot of training, don't they? When I was in the hospital I think the nurses made decisions about my medical care. Doesn't that make them a professional?

Roberta: To me, to be a professional means that you make important decisions independent of people who are over you. I'm an engineer, and the decisions I make don't have to be approved by someone else. So to me, a doctor is a professional but a nurse is not. I'm not saying they don't perform an important job, but they usually don't make diagnoses and decide treatment.

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Robert: Nursing is an important job, but I don't see it as professional. Doctors give the orders and nurses follow them, isn't that right?

Can you describe the characteristics in the individual that attributes to professional behavior?

Lucile: I think the most important thing about being professional is confidentiality. I would be very upset if I thought nurses were gossiping about me in the hallway, for instance.

Roberta: Well, that's a little tricky, because I just said they aren't professionals, but I do expect professional behavior. I think people who act professionally don't take small things personally. They don't argue with the people they serve whether it's a client or a patient. They find tactful and productive ways to resolve differences.

Robert: I think professional behavior means you take other people seriously when you're dealing with them at work. You don't blow them off. You….....

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