Interviews: Choosing a Career in Research Paper

Total Length: 817 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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However, his advice is that if one is relatively certain of one's interest for this subject, one ought to pursue it.

The second subject, the psychology professional, has stated that psychology is the number one priority for her, but that it is difficult to merge this interest when there are no patients who truly want to sit and talk. She also confides that there are many patients who simply wish to take medication in order to deal with the problem in a faster way.

The social worker, however, feels different from the psychologist and states that speaking is the best way to address a situation. She further adds that communication is key in any environment and that without it all is lost. She does not believe in medication and truly thinks that it can have quite a negative effect on society. She advocates for the Social Worker career and states that it is quite rewarding and that there are many positions for a graduate, especially if he or she is bilingual.

The insight gathered from just these three individuals proves very helpful, and can only motivate one to continue pursuing such a career in psychology, especially if still in college.

Stuck Writing Your "Interviews: Choosing a Career In" Research Paper?

Again, it is important to reiterate that one must conduct more interviews, and have very specific questions in addition to the ones provided below.


1. Where do you/did you study?

2. How long did it take you to obtain your degree? (Alternatively, how long will it take you to obtain your degree?)

3. What did you do with your degree? (What do you plan to do with your degree?)

4. How long have you had your practice? (Do you plan to open a practice?)

5. What is the most rewarding thing about wanting to be/being a psychologist/social worker?

6. What is the least rewarding thing?

7. Is your family supportive with the path you have chosen?

8. Are you satisfied with the path you have chosen?

9. If not satisfied, what would you do differently?

10. How many patients do you see in a day? (Alternatively, how big do you expect your workload to be?)

11. What is your favorite subject in psychology?

12. How do you/how to you plan to merge this with a (potential) practice?

*Please note that the two sources utilized were….....

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