Interview Is With Revered Dr. Robert C. Essay

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interview is with Revered Dr. Robert C. Scott. He is a senior pastor and a native to Monticello, MS. He currently resides in St. Louis, MO. His wife is Pier Charisse Scott and they are the proud parents of a beautiful young daughter, Charis Jordyn Scott. His position as senior pastor at the Central Baptist Church comes on the present growth of the Baptist churches. Central Baptist Church represents one of the second most well-known and oldest African-American Baptist churches within St. Louis and holds a membership of almost 1,500 followers.

Some of the latest contributions the Reverend Scott has made include a $2.5 million dollar overhaul of educational and worship accommodations. He also delivers moving and inspiring sermons that connect the local community. A brief background on Revered Scott shows he performed his first sermon at the tender age of 11. At 12, he earned his license and was ordained when he reached 18 years of age. Revered Scott was ordained in Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church where he previously resided in Monticello, MS.

Reverend Scott earned a Bachelor of Arts in Pre-law/Political Science from JSU. At Duke University, Revered Scott began seminary education and graduated with a Master of Divinity in 1994. In 1997 he earned a doctoral degree under the guidance of mentor and fellow reverend, Revered Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker. Although his calling to become a revered began at an early age, he decided to fully pursue it when he became an adult.

Some of the extra noteworthy activities Reverend Dr. Scott participated in was as District Representative for a fraternity called the Omega Psi Phi for three years from April 2010-2013. He also worked with the National Urban League as keynote speaker. He serves in the board of the American Baptist Churches and is part time director at Webster Groves, MO in the Baptist House of Studies at the educational institution, Eden Theological Seminary. He also participates in charitable events like the Children Defense Fund.


What's are you doing in currently in your ministry?

I recently assisted in a multimillion dollar church facility renovation. At first it was a bit daunting have to call people and let them know when to come and how to deliver everything on time. I had to, as a leader, follow a deadline and ensure everyone not only got paid for their services, but were able to complete their designated tasks. It was fun however, to discuss the renovations during sermon and seeing the excitement in the members of the church as their eyes sparkled with anticipation. I know for a fact the members of Central Baptist Church not only care for each other and the community, but also care for the church and wish to preserve its beauty.

What are some of the essential communication skills needed to be in ministry?

You definitely need to have a passion and appreciation for what you are doing. I, from a young age, knew my calling. I'm not saying you have to be young to show passion. I'm not saying you have to start early, but it definitely helps when you believe in what you're doing and you genuinely show interest in it.

You also have to be willing to invest the necessary time to really connect with people so you can properly reach them and communicate well. Communication is all about connection. If you cannot connect to the people you preach to, the people who hear your sermons, you're not doing a good job. Ultimately, passion and time are the two things that promote excellent communication. It's because you're willing to do what it takes to reach people and you invest the time and patience to deal with the hurdles and obstacles that come from connecting to people.

What are some of the hurdles of reaching cultures outside of your typical church members?

Some of the hurdles typically involve religious beliefs and convenience. People work, they have families, they cook and clean, take care of their health. Sometimes people don't have the time or the energy to try something new. Also, religion is something that is often deeply embedded in a person's identity. If someone doesn't believe in the core aspects of our faith, it's hard to convince them to join us and become a member of the church.

How do these hurdles affect leadership?

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and this is definitely true for most challenges.

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Although I've been stressed over matters concerning funds for the church and increasing membership, I try my best to handle situations in a balanced manner. But to say obstacles, hurdles don't affect me, I'd be lying. They do, but I never let it get out of hand. At the end of the day, I'm still a pastor and I believe in leading by example. If I let myself get too stressed, I simply take a step back and reassess the situation.

What role do you play as a leader, in bringing together all people who wish to join or observe the church you work with?

I am definitely at times, the face of the church. When people want to be introduced to the Baptist faith, they come to me. I connect people and enable group and church activities. I also closely work with charitable organizations in order to not only show my gratitude to God and the church for what I have, but to also give back to the community. I definitely think bringing people together through activities and communication is what a leader is made for.

When conflicts arise concerning outsiders or members from other cultures, how do you resolve them?

Much like with anything, patience and understanding is key. We had a couple of prospective new members who were Hispanic and did not speak English that well. We remained patient with them and helped them understand the happenings of the church as well as shared some Scripture. Above all else, conflicts arise from lack of understanding and most importantly lack of patience. If someone is frustrated and impatient, problems can easily arise.

How do you resolve conflicts within the main culture of the church?

Conflicts sometimes arise in difference of opinion. Our members of the church can sometimes demonstrate a little too much passion when it comes to church fundraising and church activities. Although I haven't witnessed any extreme situations, the occasional arguments do transpire. After all, we are human and we have our bad days. In order to resolve them talking to both parties and getting both sides, acting as the mediator, often resolves conflicts rather quickly as avenues of communication are opened up.

What are some management techniques that work within the cultural context of the majority of the church you work with?

Management techniques for me include having people, for instance if there are volunteers willing, as organizers and representatives in order to speed up communication between the members of the church. If there are people appointed who are trusted and active members in the church community, it facilitates activities and so forth much faster and easier. It's so hard when there are too many spoons in the pot. So that is one tried and trust management technique.

Another is name tags. I know that sounds basic, but it helps a lot when it comes to new members and shy members who may not be willing to communicate so readily as some of our more active members. Nametags are inexpensive and an easy way to get others acquainted with each other. It's also a great means of expression as you can draw little doodles and such to convey your personality.

The last management technique I personally use is voting. The majority vote gets the final say in matters when it comes to activities and fundraising for the church. A group of dedicated members vote on church matters. Through these votes, we decide on what gets done.

What are some management techniques to handle cross-cultural activities?

The same applies for cross-cultural activities except some minor changes. Since other cultures may have different languages, I try to look for at least some Spanish speaking volunteers to assist in communication with those that wish to join the church but cannot speak English as well as native speakers. This helps a lot. A main difference in managing cross-cultural activities is organization. You want to create a message than can appeal universally to show any prospective members the joy and beauty of the Lord as well as the church.

What are the best activities to host to bring in and bring together new members?

The best activities invite communication and help people connect on a universal level. That means barbecues and cookouts. Everyone loves food and food is great way to share not just share your food and cooking, but to also share stories and experiences. It is a great.....

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