Interview/ and Persuasion Communications Essay

Total Length: 2029 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

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By taking the initiative to accomplish this task, I showed leadership skills that my supervisor later praised me for, which was definitely encouraging.


My supervisor was excellent in many aspects of her job, but could be forgetful when it came to returning client calls or attending to invoices that came due. When an item requiring her attention came across my desk, I would always be sure to have a face-to-face conversation with her, and to hand her a written not regarding the details of the same issue. I found that by communicating in both verbal and written messages it was far more likely that the needed information would actually be not only remembered but acted upon by the supervisor. The writing helped to ensure accuracy, of course, but I think it was of greater importance that she had a physical artifact simply to remind her that there was any information to remember at all more than the actual contents of these written notes. Transmitting the details via verbal communication helped to bring her immediate attention to the issue, and the written note would remain around until the issue had been dealt with, so both supported memory and action.

3. Persuasive Situation and Inoculation Theory

It can be difficult to convince others of the rectitude of a certain course of action when one is known to have supported similar ideas in the past. While this consistency could be seen as something good, instead most people perceive it as a bias that they use to automatically discount similar ideas.

Stuck Writing Your "Interview/ and Persuasion Communications" Essay?

When I was trying to promote a certain direction in what might be termed an "extracurricular" office activity, a combination social event and charity drive, I knew that my idea would be rejected because of the way people laughed off or dismissed some of my personal tastes and other ideas that were similar to my concept for the event. Because of this, I decided to use the inoculation theory (though I didn't know to call it that at the time), which basically consists of pre-empting something negative that might come about in a persuasive conversation or ongoing dialogue by bringing it up and dispensing with it. Pursuing this strategy, I hoped, would give my ideas more of a fair shot.

It turned out I was right, and by prefacing my suggestion with a comment that recognized my proclivities and the way they were good-naturedly mocked, but asking people to truly consider my proposal, I feel that I was able to have a strong voice at this planning meeting. My ideas were not adopted wholesale, but many of my specific ideas were incorporated into the final compromised plan and helped the vent come off as a great success. Using the inoculation theory of persuasion theory helped to dismiss the dismissal of my ideas, as it were,….....

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