Interview Is With a Long-Time Term Paper

Total Length: 1778 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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I get excited about ideas I have for new products and services, and I'm motivated for them to succeed on a personal level. Of course, the income helps motivate me too! I really feel pressure to succeed so I can take good care of my family, so I think that's the extrinsic motivator for me, making sure my family is well taken care of and secure. Otherwise, it's all intrinsic for me, I love the feeling I get when I succeed at something, and it works. it's very satisfying and it makes me feel in control and in charge of my own life and destiny.

ME: I think I'm intrinsically motivated, as well. I find I do much better on assignments that interest me, (like this one), than on assignments that I don't feel any connection with. I think that's the same in many areas of my life. Outward motivation, like someone else's approval or input, is much less meaningful to me than my own motivation and interest.
I mean, I like approval, most people do, but I don't depend on it. I know inside when I've done a good job, or when I haven't, and that's good enough for me. I'm not sure yet how that's going to fit in my career, or the rest of my life, but I know that if I'm motivated by what's inside me, I'll probably do OK. Maybe I'll own my own business, like you do! That seems pretty good to me, and I think I would be much more motivated to work for my own approval than….....

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