Interview: Elizabeth G Please Describe Term Paper

Total Length: 890 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Question 6: How long do you see yourself participating in...

As long as I can -- until I get injured, I guess -- hopefully my knees will hold out! I'm pretty fit and always have been athletic. I try to train and eat right. My obsession with racing may lessen when I have a husband and children, I guess, but you never know.

Question 7: Do you foresee any barriers or challenges in participating in...the future?

Not really -- running always has new challenges, new personal records to set.

I want to get faster, now that I have conquered the marathon distance twice, and maybe do more trail running. I did a trail run recently, it was only six miles, but it made me even sorer than my last marathon!

Question 8: Any thoughts or helpful suggestions on becoming motivated to participate in exercise or sport and sticking with it once you begin?

The first time I ran on the treadmill at the gym I could BARELY run two miles. I didn't know how anyone could run even a 5K! Then, I was daunted by the half-marathon challenge, which is why I was so determined to conquer the distance. I was also afraid about running outside, since so much of my running was on a treadmill.

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But every time I have set a new challenge for myself, I have over come it -- one step at a time. That's all running is about when you boil it down, it's just taking one step at a time, faster and faster each time.

Relating the information to motivation and adherence.

Elizabeth had many things 'going' for her to encourage her to exercise -- past rewards for athletic performance in the past, and admittedly, being a very appearance-oriented college and profession. Her gym is free and convenient to where she works, but she has pushed herself beyond the confines of the gym and spends a great deal of her own money on her hobby, now.

Elizabeth has few family commitments and is good at setting concrete goals and meeting them. Running has the advantage of being a sport that doesn't require a team or a partner, so compliance is easier -- as a runner, Elizabeth doesn't have to worry about a less committed partner, like she might if she played tennis. However, credit must still be given to Elizabeth for setting attainable goals and meeting those goals. She is still challenging herself and her….....

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