Interview on Aging Care Interview

Total Length: 335 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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For this assignment, I visited the St. Alban’s memory care center. This organization’s mission is to provide cutting-edge memory care for seniors at different stages of cognitive impairment, from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease. Prior to visiting, I prepared for the interview by learning about the services available, as well as the mission, vision, and values of the organization. The values included the principles of compassionate care, respect for patient, dignity, progress, and valuing the community. Although the St. Alban’s memory care center is a day care center for adults, the parent organization also operates three senior living facilities in the area. I scheduled a meeting with the programming director, who was able to illustrate several aspects about how memory care works, how the organization receives funding, how clients can arrange for financial assistance, and how their programs change in accordance with new technologies and advancements in aging research.

When asked about funding, the director of the memory care center claimed that while it was not her area of expertise, that she was aware that funding sources are diverse and included both private and government assistance.
Reimbursements are through private insurers, with some clients paying for additional services out of pocket. Some memory care is covered under Medicare, but she recommends that each client and his or her family consult with her to clarify which treatments are covered and which are not.

Treatment within the memory care center consists of a variety of programming that is tailored to the individual. Clients with mild cognitive impairments enjoy access to a range of social activities and physical exercise. More serious progressions of cognitive impairment including dementia and Alzheimer’s may include access to medications, specialized interventions that reduce depression, and family counseling services. All clients enjoy meals that are designed by a staff nutritionist, who develops menus according to the latest research on aging and the brain. Overall, this visit illustrated some of the ways memory care services are presented to seniors......

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