Internet and Globalization Affect Your Essay

Total Length: 870 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The ability to plan, without the ability to organize and control has some value for a manager. However, without a plan, organizing leading and controlling is of very little value. Overall, it maybe argued that organizing is one of the most important, as an individual who is able to organize may be building on other functions.

4) GE's Jack Welch said: "Manage your destiny, or somebody else will." What does this mean for strategic management? What does it mean when Welch adds,"...or somebody else will"?

If an individual to take charge of their destiny it requires to look at the future and decide what they want to achieve. This looking forward in order to determine the goal is only the first stage, as in order to manage your destiny almost also decide how that goal can be achieved, put the plan into place, including identifying steps which need to be put into place the goal to be achieved. It is only if one has a goal, under plan on the way in which that goal may be achieved this one is able to manage their own future, making adjustments to the plan as needed so the goal can be realized.

The comment that states if one does not take charge of one's own destiny, others will, refers to the way in which others will plan to meet their own goals, and if an individual does not make a own plans, the destiny will then be subject to the plans and actions of others which they are not controlling and managing.

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5) How do Strategic, operational, and tactical planning differ? How might the three levels complement one another in an organization?

Strategic planning takes place at the highest level within an organization, and refers to the way in which senior management may determine the overall direction of an organization, for example identifying markets which may be pursued, competitive advantages which may be attained and organizational values that would be implemented. As an operational level strategy is about putting the organizational goals into action, determining how the broader strategic ideas can be transformed into reality. This may include longer term issues including the way in which recruitment takes place to ensure resources are available and the planning of development of facilities.

Tactical planning takes place at the lowest level and refers to the implementation and can include simple tactics or processes such as the way in which employees would.....

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