Internet Compulsion and Addiction Introduction Essay

Total Length: 545 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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As is the case with so many other benign behaviors (and even behaviors that are generally useful and beneficial), the Internet became a source of compulsion and addictive behaviors for many of those who are already naturally inclined toward compulsivity and addiction (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2008). Those who use the Internet appropriately generally establish routines for checking e-mail and may also regularly use the Internet for social networking and interpersonal communications. However, they do not characteristically spend ever-increasing amounts of time online; they do not neglect other aspects of their lives to pursue online activities, and they can function without becoming dependent on their Internet habits.

Conversely, some Internet users exhibit these typical signs of compulsion and addiction that are generally associated with compulsion and addiction (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2008).

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They may spend so much time checking email, updating social networking pages, pursuing online interpersonal communications, and playing computer games that their computer use interferes with ordinary daily activities. They may sacrifice sleep, academic performance, and their other interests as their Internet addiction increases. In extreme cases, individuals may withdraw from their face-to-face social relationships and previous interests because they spend all of their waking existence online. Under those circumstances, Internet use qualifies as an addiction just the same as other excessive behaviors. Internet addiction is generally treated with the same types of behavioral interventions as all other addictions to behaviors not involving chemical dependence or other types of physical addictions (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2008).


Gerrig R. And Zimbardo P. (2008).….....

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