International Globalization Is the Phenomenon Term Paper

Total Length: 433 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Therefore, when corporate responsibility is linked with certain broader national intentions like health and international development and also trade and the environment, then it would be better for all concerned, instead of the corporation aiming for economic development and gains and nothing else. (Ping Sustainable Future: Toward a New Vision for Corporate Responsibility in Canada)

Canada is one country, in which it is easy to improve competitiveness and to enlarge the global influence that it is capable of exerting by being able to mobilize the human capital within the state, and also being able to pioneer advances in technology.

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Therefore, it can be concluded that an MNE does have the responsibility of working towards a better global efficiency, and not to just consider economic factors during the process of country selection. (Ping Sustainable Future: Toward a New Vision for Corporate Responsibility in Canada).....

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