Internal Assessment and Selection Strategy: Thesis

Total Length: 813 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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They should also seem literate about company objectives and philosophy.

Candidates should be interviewed. Since this is a sales position and strong interpersonal skills are required, candidates should be interviewed by a panel of different supervisors who would then discuss their findings after each candidate, and rank the candidates.

Interview results will be reviewed, along with candidate's supporting materials. The number of candidates should be reduced to 1-3, and if further interviews are necessary, these should be conducted in a panel format, with perhaps one or two new supervisors, who will also participate in the final decision-making process.

External assessment and selection strategy: Non-management/operator position of a Marine Technician

The position should be posted on the corporate website. Additionally, notifications about the open position should be posted in trade publications which marine technicians are likely to read. Given the likely profile of a technician, who may not be computer-literate, it is necessary to use online and non-online sources to secure the most qualified personnel. Solicitations can also be made at vocational institutions that train marine technicians.

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Advertisements should note the starting salary, information about the company, and benefits that are part of the position. Other positions may not offer as high-quality benefits as MarineMax, so candidates should be made aware of this, which will increase their desire to apply to the company or change their current place of work.

An application should be required, either on paper or online. The application should ask about the applicant's familiarity with different types of equipment, relevant experience, and references.

The references should be contacted. This will determine the candidate's honesty and also his or her level of expertise with the equipment.

Selected applicants will be sent a more extensive application, including questions pertinent to the types of activities he or she will perform in the position.

Applicants will be interviewed. On the panel of interviewees, there should be at least one current marine technician who can assess the candidate's knowledge of the types of equipment he or she will use on a daily basis.

A decision will be made to hire the candidate......

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