Interest: A Research in Human Research Proposal

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The data collection methods

Questionnaires effectively aid in data collection. To capture the right data, it must be well organised and prepared. The variables required in the result must be prepared well in advance for they guide the researcher on how to frame the questionnaire. The questions in it must be clear and simple to avert confusing the respondent. A time frame should set on the duration a respondent should stay with the questionnaire. The mode of its distribution should be established to ensure only the relevant responds receive it.

Another data collection method to be employed will be oral interviews. The interview question should be prepared in advance with reference to the variables required. Good interviewer training is necessary for it prepares him on how to ask the questions and manage the interviewee.

Possible methods of data analysis

A thorough data analysis process is crucial for effective data analysis. This involves data cleaning for there is a possibility for errors. To achieve it, it is good to go through all the primary data sources (the questionnaires and interview materials) and verify their validity. The process will establish missing data. Extreme observations will be established by the same process.

After an effective data cleaning process, the next step should be to determine the sample size. A number of methods can be practical depending on what the investigator will find it most applicable to work with. The researcher should decide on the percentage of the sample size, and then he can use statistical software such as SPSS to enable him pick the desired size.

The actual analysis can then take place using any of the statistical analysis methods such as Bivariate associations to determine correlations and graphical techniques such as scatter charts.

Stuck Writing Your "Interest: A Research in Human" Research Proposal?

Future Action

Additional support

The school library has a wide range of resource materials for this particular area such as textbook. The teaching and non-teaching staffs are quite instrumental in providing the necessary support.

What obstacles/barriers faced whilst continuing your research

The entire research process in quite involving, and consumes a lot of time. It also requires some substantial amount of funds. Some respondents do not cooperate and others feel that it is a ravage of time to take part in the research.

To circumventing these obstacles will source for more funds from possible means. I will seek the cooperation of the respondents by first explaining to the significance of this research. I plan to temporarily halt some of my extra curricula activities to create more time for the research. My next course of action will be to give this research my best in terms of time and participation.

What is your proposed timetable for completing your dissertation?.....

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