Intelligence Theories of Charles Spearman and Howard Term Paper

Total Length: 588 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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intelligence theories of Charles Spearman and Howard Gardner. There were three sources used to complete this paper.

There have been many ideas presented to the world about the theory or intelligence and while some of them have received lukewarm reviews there are two in which the world took a long hard look and decided they might be possible. It is interesting to note that the theories of Charles Spearman and Howard Gardner do not have a lot in common yet they are each respected as possible explanations for the human intelligence.

The theory of Howard Gardner of intelligence is based in the belief that there are actually multiple types of intelligence and rather than narrow the areas of measurement to one or two the world should recognize and encourage all seven of the intelligence factors.

According to Gardner the seven distinct areas of intelligence include (Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory (http://www.

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Visual / Spatial Intelligence

Musical Intelligence

Verbal Intelligence

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence

While this is diametrically opposed to the long held belief that intelligence focuses on one area of ability schools around the nation are opening their minds to the above theory and expanding their programs for the gifted to include students who display the above traits.

According to Gardner, the implication of the theory is that learning/teaching should focus on the particular intelligences of each person. For example, if an individual has strong spatial or musical intelligences, they should be encouraged to develop these abilities. Gardner points out that the different intelligences represent not only different content domains but also learning modalities. A further implication of the theory is that assessment of abilities should measure all forms of intelligence, not just linguistic and logical-mathematical….....

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