Insure Tech Business Records Automation Research Proposal

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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There are many responsibilities and skills that a person must have to manage a project. [Bruce & Langdon, 2000] describe the required responsibilities:

1. planning the project in detail

2. organizing the project team and convincing them to participate

3. communicating the status of the project to all parties involved

4. managing the progress of the project closing the project

It appears that Gibson failed to meet the requirements in many of these areas. In this project, Regional Sales Managers, Director National Sales Bob Farley, Director Finance, Deryl Smith and CEO Peter Robinson were the stake holders. Gibson should have planned to bring all of these people on board from the very beginning.

He should have started by a short email to all of these stakeholders informing them of the project and inviting their suggestions.

Stuck Writing Your "Insure Tech Business Records Automation" Research Proposal?

He should have involved Bob Farley on de-bottlenecking the automation program as soon as it became functional. Bob Farley was receptive to the idea of automation but it appears that he learnt about the functioning details of the program in the final meeting. His concerns were not allayed and he recorded his concerns in the main meeting before the launch of the program. The scheduled date for the launch of the program was decided by Gibson, Smith and Robinson without involving Farley and also without rectifying the problem areas identified by Farley.

Farley had very little to do with the implementation of the new system and thus was not aware of its full capabilities, yet he was made the primary resource person for all queries regarding the program, only questions which Farley could not.....

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