Institutionalizing Pan-Islamism: Since the Beginning Thesis

Total Length: 1578 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The other challenges OIC faces in institutionalizing Pan-Islamism include constant internal squabbling, dissension, turmoil, and ongoing inability to impose collective will over objections. The institutionalization of Pan-Islamism is also difficult because of increased attention to the issue of Islam by state and global institutions and the general public (Silvestri, n.d.). For instance, European countries are not only becoming concerned with the growth of Islam but also with future relations with the Muslim world.

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In conclusion, the ideology of Pan-Islamism is a concept that seeks to differentiate Islam from other ethic or national groupings, which result in difficulties for people born as non-Muslims to adopt the religion. While Pan-Islamism has a long history, the Organization of Islamic Conference has attempted institutionalizing this ideology. Even though these attempts have been unsuccessful, OIC seeks to promote Islamic solidarity and unity......

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