Institution Uses a Combination of Thesis

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A weakness, however, can be seen in the fact that the two approaches are often in contradiction, which may make decision-making different for the administrators from time to time.


The tools used to uncover needs in my institution are often based on intimate conversations between the administrators and the teachers. In addition, the teachers are encouraged to ask students about the needs they feel must be met. The teachers, then, report this information to the administration. This reflects the institution's place in the community, as well as its empowerment approach to needs assessment. Other than these empowerment tools, the institution tends to use surveys to collect data from instructors and students regarding the level of satisfaction with the course and specific aspects of the course. While these tools are certainly sufficient for uncovering needs, my institution calls for further tools to be used in order to conduct effective assessments.
For instance, the program would greatly benefit from an analysis of documents used in the courses. Furthermore, observation could be paired with this document analysis to imply whether students responded to the particular methods used by the teacher. In addition, teachers could keep records of which homework assignments resulted in the largest amount of work and which homework assignments were ignored by the students. By studying this information, teachers could come to a better understanding regarding the types of work that the students are most comfortable completing. In addition, further observation techniques as related to instruction and classroom management could be used to determine whether or not certain students were being engaged. By incorporating these other tools, my institution could benefit, as more needs….....

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