Innovative Leadership in the Global Market Application Essay

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Aspects of an Innovative Leader in Today's Global Market

Aspects of an Innovative Leader in Today's Global Market

The twenty first century is normally referred to as the information age. In the dawn of globalization and the advancement of the information and communication sector, the business environment has changed. As such, business operations are no longer conducted in the old-fashioned manner they used to be. For instance, business operations have expanded beyond national borders through increased international trade and multinational companies. This has created numerous challenges and forced business leaders to adapt to the environment. This calls for innovation in various business sectors. This study highlights the essential characteristics of an innovative leader in the current competitive global market with great focus in the engineering profession.

Today's global market is dynamic due to the discovery of new processes and technologies. As such, organizations must learn to think innovatively in order to remain competitive and significant in their fields.

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To be an innovative leader, one must embrace various habits and practices. First, one must move outside the existing paradigms and challenge the status quo. This entails seeing things from a different angle or perspective. An innovative leader strives to see or reason 'outside the box' to come up with new ways of doing things.

An innovative leader must also create or generate new processes, products, and activities. Today's global market has seen the adoption of new technologies and concepts such as total quality management. As such, an innovative leader must strive to generate new processes. Besides, the customer's needs and expectations are always changing in today's global market. As such, an innovative leader, especially in engineering must strive to embrace new products and processes to satisfy customer expectations.

An innovative leader must adopt practices that have been successfully tried elsewhere. This is commonly referred to….....

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