Innovative Designs, I Would Design Essay

Total Length: 577 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Demographic Questions: Age, gender, ethnicity, income, occupation type, employment status, household size

Product/Brand Usage/Purchase questions: How frequent does he/she use such products? What brands are in the home now? How old are these products / how often are kitchen appliances purchased? What attributes are preferred in kitchen appliances? Is the person satisfied with their kitchen appliances?

Lifestyle Questions: How often does the person cook at home? his/her spouse? How sophisticated is the cooking? What types of foods are cooked? Questions can also be asked that are product specific (i.e. how often do you use your blender for smoothies; hand blender for soups, etc.). Ask about styling in general -- the importance of styling in furniture and home decor. Inquire what the customer thinks about the styling on the products that they are presented with. A control group could be asked blindly, with another group informed that the styles are European, to see if there is any cachet associated with that designation.

Attitudinal and Knowledge Questions: Do you prefer European styling? Do you like the styles you see? If functionality is the same, would you prefer the European style or the American style? Which colors do you prefer? Can you rank the colors in order of preference? Is there anything you do not like about these styles/colors?

Articulation and Creative Questions: What do you like about these styles? What do you not like? If you used these devices, do you think you would enjoy it more than your current device? How much would you pay for these devices -- more, less or the same as normal devices?

Termination: Thank you for participating in this survey, your help is very much appreciated......

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"Innovative Designs I Would Design", 09 November 2010, Accessed.6 July. 2024,