Ingredient Research This List Will Research Paper

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Organic sugar is also brown in color, as some of the molasses properties remain. Thus, organic sugar is healthier for a person, yet just as inorganic sugars, the risks may outweigh the benefits if one eats too much sugar.

Information taken from: "What Is Organic Sugar Cane?" WiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

5. Corn Syrup Solids and High Fructose Corn Syrup:

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) puts both corn syrup solids and high fructose corn syrup on its cut back list, which means that this agency believes that these elements are not very healthy for the public, if consumed in large quantities. Though extracted from corn, the risks associated with these two food additives outweigh the benefits, and the greatest risk is weight gain and the problems that come with it or its extremes, such as obesity. Thus, though corn may be healthy, the solids and syrups derived from it may not be. This is one of the reasons why America has grown in weight. Corn syrups are consumed in our country in large quantities, and are therefore not healthy, as well as contribute to an increasing number of problems.

Information taken from: "Corn Syrup Solids vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup | LIVESTRONG.COM." LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools | LIVESTRONG.COM. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

6. Citric Acid:

This type of acid is more commonly found in citrus fruits and some berries. Lemons and limes have high concentrations, whereas oranges, tangerines, raspberries and blackberries have lower concentrations. The benefits of this type of acids and manifold. It can be utilized when cooking, and even in cleaning products. It mixes well with almost anything, and can also be used to flavor Vitamin C Citric acid can also be used in preparing photographs.

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Some of the risks associated with citric acids are various allergies, as well as stomach sensitivity.

Information taken from: "What Is Citric Acid?" WiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

7. Modified Corn Starch:

This type of corn starch is chemically or unnaturally modified, thus its name. For this reason, as opposed to natural or organic corn starch, modified starch may lose some of its natural properties, and may thus be less healthy than its organic counterpart. According to research these modifications "…may affect the texture, how fast [starch] dissolves, or how easily it can be digested." Though not harmful to the general public, it may cause problem to those allergic to gluten.

Information taken from: "Should You Avoid Modified Corn Starch?" Fitness, Health & Well-Being | FitSugar. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. .

8. Organic Wheat Flour:

This type of flour is made from grinding wheat. Certain varieties are very healthy, and are known for impeccable baking and milling characteristics. The fat content in wheat flour is quite low, making it a favorite among those looking to be healthy. The organic component can also contribute to this latter aspect, and since there are no risks associated with the consumption of wheat, one can only see benefits.

9. Sodium Phosphates:

This is essentially a salt, and can be separated into various categories. For instance, the body contains a type of sodium phosphate called monobasic, and other categories include dihydrogen, hydrogen, trisodium, and sodium aluminum phosphates, all of which have different utilizations. These ingredients are often utilized in drug preparations......

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