Information Technology (IT) Planning Processes Term Paper

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IT Planning Processes

Efficient IT technology planning is an involved process. It requires a dedication of time and resources ranging from senior managers to other employees. To arrive at proper decisions, an organization requires comprehending important facets of technology. However through technology planning, organizations are able to make important benefits to the organization. Better management of technology results in enhanced output, higher morale among employees, and superior service to customers through functional devices, networks which give access to information, and applications, which are suitable for the mission of the organization. Information can change organizations by way of handing over to them instruments to appreciate the settings in which they are performing, to gauge the efficacy of their actions and to counter contrasting information from other groups and policy makers. (What's involved in Technology Planning?)

In IT planning process there are seven phases: (i) Forming leadership and support: Forming a technology team and making sure management and employee buy-in will permit one to start off backed by the whole organization. (ii) Resource assessment: The initial step in planning is evaluating the existing technology. What is available in place and how well is its operational? (iii) Need definition: What is the necessity for technology? In what way the latest technology will make possible things which were not possible already? Outlining one's requirement will allow one to select the most competent solutions.

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(iv) Exploring solutions: Researching contemporary technology alternatives and finalize on those which fulfill the needs of the organization at a low cost. (v) Writing the Plan: The written plan must document one's resources, requirements and solutions as also the funds constraints. (vi) Getting funding: The technology plan can be used as the major component to find out funding for technology. (vii) Implementing the Plan: After fixing a timeline, assigning responsibilities and assessing the progress will make the plan practicable. (What's involved in Technology Planning?)

Every organization can be categorized into three stages of operation -- Strategic, Tactical and Operational. The Strategic level is normally made up of the chief executive officer and his executive management. They characterize the overall mission statement for the organization, putting its focus and direction. They formulate strategic level goals and objectives that will be carried out at the tactical and operational levels. In addition to this they set strategic level strategies that will set the organization on its….....

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