Industrialization at the Time of Essay

Total Length: 621 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Automobiles had already been in production in several countries for at least a decade before 1914 and Henry Ford had already revolutionized industrial production methods in that industry that were immediately incorporated into the wartime production efforts on both sides of the Atlantic in connection with arms and munitions production. The rapid development of aviation technology during the war also contributed to the perception that the modern era began with World War I, but the basic technology had also been invented a decade earlier and would have continued to evolve on its own, although less rapidly than in wartime.

Communications Media and Energy:

By 1914, the telegraph had already shortened the time that news took to travel across the globe from weeks to minutes, and telephones were already in existence, although not yet widely available to most. Photography was invented a half century earlier and by 1914, moving pictures recorded permanent records of modern society, including more than four years of the most influential war in human history at that time.

Coal, steam, and oil power were already in wide-scale use throughout modern industry and transportation, but by 1914, electricity was also becoming more and more available to ordinary citizens, as were indoor plumbing and municipal services such as sanitation, mass transportation in the cities, and police agencies.


Certainly, the more dramatic technological changes that made military mechanization possible for the first time were perfected during the war effort. However, by that time, the increasing availability of electricity, indoor lighting, mass transportation, industrial production, and instantaneous communication had already improved the general life of the average person and had begun to approximate modern society before 1914. In that respect, World War I was merely the first large-scale application of all of those modern….....

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