Industrialization and Colonization in the Term Paper

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With localized colonial governments, world leaders demonstrated that empires could be founded on mastery of regional trade routes. At the beginning of the 20th century nations like Japan were at the forefront of the new model of imperialism.

Q3.Explain WWI? World War 1.

World War One was a natural outcome of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the subsequent imbalance of power those downfalls entailed. Moreover, the First World War was a direct consequence of the ages of imperialism, colonialism, and industrialization. The war paved the way for emerging states to create a free market economy based on capitalism or on the other hand, a closed-market system based on state-controlled resources.

Q4.The Paris Exhibition had two famous sculptures: one of Paris in an evening gown and the other of Rodin's the Thinker. Elaborate upon the meaning of both and its lesson for us in the 21st century.

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The Paris Exhibition demonstrated the power of art to provide enduring social commentary. Sculptures like Paris in an evening gown and Rodin's the Thinker symbolized emerging social trends such as the rise of the bourgeoisie or middle class and also the triumph of the individual. Their symbols continue to characterize Western civilization and the underlying tenets of capitalism.

Q5. WW1 ended with the Treaty of Versailles. What did the treaty provide, what were the results, and why?

The Treaty of Versailles officially ended World War One and provided that Germany would cede the territories it had acquired. Because of the tremendous cultural, moral, and economic strain the provisions placed on Germany the country was swept into a downward spiral that culminated with the election of Hitler. Thus, the harsh provisions in the Versailles Treaty sparked the Second World War......

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