Improve People's Welfare (250- 350 Essay

Total Length: 461 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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But during the Bush Administration, great ideological and personal rifts occurred between members of the G8. The U.S. rejected the Kyoto Protocols on emissions, and refused to ratify the treaty. And "in September 2008, Russia's President Medvedev said Moscow did not fear being expelled from the G8 following criticism of its actions in Georgia," when "U.S. officials had said Russia's membership was at stake," in what ultimately emerged as an empty threat ("Profile: G8,' BBC, 2009). The Obama Administration, despite its great popularity, must work to mend these rifts and create consensus. But hostility to the U.S. has grown, as the current worldwide recession is largely seen as being caused by deregulation of the U.
S. financial industry. Finally, the G8 meetings have been plagued by security issues as often violent opponents of globalization demonstrate outside of meetings decry the clout of an organization based upon the wealth of its members, not their moral righteousness or democratic ideals. Even before the economic crisis, the focus of the G8 was drifting, as member nation's national interests were more disparate, and these economic divisions have only grown.


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