Importance of Education Term Paper

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Johnny can't add -- problems and solutions in both the American and Latin American mathematics education systems

It might be assumed that mathematics education in El Salvador and in El Paso would be similar, unlike language instruction or instruction in history. After all, math is math, no matter if it is taught in English or Spanish, correct, especially at the relatively rudimentary elementary school level. Indeed, two professors who visited Latin America observed, some of "the problems teaching mathematics" faced by elementary school educators were "remarkably like our own," that is remarkably like the problems faced by American educators. (Friesen, S. & Stone, M., 1996) However, the systems used to teach mathematics in both nations were often profoundly different. As was commensurate with my own experience as an El Salvadorian national, the Latin American student's education stressed drill and rote learning, while the American children's education these educators had been exposed to, stressed creativity and conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts. Friesen and Stone argued in favor of their program, entitled Great Explorations. The program included such fundamental points as making every exploration of a mathematical subject begin with a detailed story and providing opportunities for student interpretation and pursuing multiple correct solutions to the same problems. However, rather than stressing an either or approach to math education, as in either drill or creative approaches, perhaps a marriage of the two efforts is necessary, as only after a sound grounding in the fundamentals can students cognitively deal with the concept of multiple and creative solutions to math problems. As I believe my own education has benefited from a duality of cultural and conceptual exposures, so can perhaps younger student's mathematical educations.
(Friesen, S. & Stone, M., 1996)

The authors write that in El Salvador, "we spent two days with students at the two major universities, as well as an entire day with grade two students at a large private school in San Miguel in the South of El Salvador." Although am in my first semester of university in the United States, I attended such an elementary school as described by these educators. My nation has endured many difficulties over the course of even my short lifetime, and the quality of education is highly variable across El Salvadorians of different classes, regions, and background. Yet I was blessed in my opportunities. It is mainly because of the quality of education I received in high school in El Salvador that I have been able to navigate the cultural transition from the educational system in El Salvador to the United States. Here, I find myself quite challenged and impressed by the quality of education and rigor of debate in American classrooms, although I am grateful for the solid concepts instilled in me, through my education in El Salvador.

One thing that has impressed me during my time in the United States is the awe and fear with which even adult Americans regard mathematics education. There seems to be an abiding assumption that one is either good or bad in the subject. I have also encountered what I consider a somewhat contradictory assumption that math education is better in all other nations, including my own, and that America has much to learn from math instructions in other lands.

Such regard is almost flattering, regarding….....

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