Importance of Communication and Listening on Teams Essay

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High Performing Teams: Analysis of a SurveyThe effectiveness of a team is a function of the individual talents within it and how they work together, collaborate, communicate, and align towards common goals. That is why it is important for team leaders and members to know about the dynamics that contribute to a high-performing team. This paper looks at what makes a team excel, using the survey tool – the "High Performing Work Team Survey".Trends IdentifiedThe trends in the survey focus on highlighting the humanistic side of performance. The questions are oriented towards knowing about human relationships within teams, how they feel, how they communicate, how they understand, and how quality plays a part in the dynamic. The main trends are evident in the grouping of the questions, as seen below.Clarity of Mission and Goals (Items 1-10)This trend shows how important it is for every team member to know and understand the team’s mission and how their work contributes to the overall objectives of the organization. When team members have a good grasp of their purpose and are aligned with well-defined goals, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and focused on their work. This alignment helps so that the team’s efforts are in synch with one another and so that everyone’s roles complement and fit into the larger scheme of the team’s strategy for supporting the organization’s overarching goals.Understanding and Execution of Roles (Items 11-15)The emphasis here is on the importance of each team member knowing their specific role and the expectations associated with it. Role clarity is a big trend in this survey. It is deemed essential due to confusion problems that arise when it is missing. When team members are clear about their own roles and the roles of others, there is less overlap and more efficient division of labor, leading to more effective teamwork.Effective Procedures and Processes (Items 16-20)This trend focuses on the need for established procedures that create equal participation and effective problem-solving. It looks for the presence of structured procedures, including organized meetings and systematic follow-ups. The trend is to find what contributes to the smooth functioning of the team.Quality of Relationships and Communication (Items 21-25)The survey also points to the importance of fostering open communication and strong interpersonal relationships within the team. It looks at whether team members express their ideas freely, even when they differ from the majority. It looks, too, for what builds a culture of trust and respect.Team Effectiveness and Efficiency (Items 26-30)This aspect focuses on the team’s ability to complete tasks, adhere to deadlines, and conduct efficient meetings. The emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency is valued as it impacts the team’s productivity and its ability to meet its objectives.Team Satisfaction (Items 31-35)Assessing factors like job satisfaction, morale, and personal enjoyment is also a part of the trend in the survey. High levels of satisfaction are expected to correlate with high performance. The survey suggests that when the skills and knowledge of team members are fully utilized it contributes to individual fulfillment and to the collective success of the team.Conflict Resolution Skills (Items 36-40)The survey also focuses on the importance of managing differences and conflicts.

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It suggests that effective conflict resolution and active listening are key skills that help maintain harmony and prevent misunderstandings from escalating into significant issues.Overall, the trend seems to be focused on finding what is required for a team to perform at a high level based on humanistic factors like satisfaction, communication, and understanding. This includes having a shared understanding of goals, having clear roles and responsibilities, having efficient processes, and building up healthy communication and…

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…team members feel safe to speak up and express their thoughts without fear of punishment. This is particularly important if the team is expected to make strides towards innovation and learning.As for safeguarding against conflict, teams should develop skills that allow them to resolve conflicts constructively. Conflicts are going to arise—so there is no way to prevent them. However, team members need to know how to handle them. Differing viewpoints, if handled positively, can lead to better decision-making and innovation. Shirey et al. (2019) argue that mastering crucial conversations and navigating disagreements are essential skills for high-performing teams.There also needs to be commitment to continuous improvement. This is an absolute must. High-performing teams have to dedicate themselves to making continuous improvements and focusing on learning opportunities. They have to regularly assess their processes and outcomes, learn from mistakes, and seek ways to enhance their performance. This commitment to intellectual and skill growth is supported by Harry and Joseph’s (2022) concept of a growth mindset, which fosters resilience and adaptability.Furthermore, having a designated leader is important, but high-performing teams often exhibit shared leadership. This approach encourages all team members to take initiative and lead in their areas of expertise. Teams where leadership is shared based on task demands tend to be more agile and effective. Teams also perform better when individual skills and talents are recognized and utilized effectively. This not only optimizes the team's capabilities but also increases individual satisfaction and motivation. Thus, it is important to have a team that focuses on strengths and talents for team success.ConclusionIn conclusion, building a high-performing team is a process that requires clear goals, defined roles, effective communication, collaborative conflict resolution, a commitment to continuous improvement, shared leadership, and the recognition of individual talents. These elements are all grounded in research and literature. They….....

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