ILP Assessment 6 10 Criminal Justice and Intelligence Assessment

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Criminal Justice and Intelligence: ILP Assessment 6-10Learning Task: Week 6Confidential informants are sometimes the criminals themselves who collaborate with the police or the intelligence departments in return for a favor (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2018). The favors are usually in the form of reduced jail sentence time or immunity from court prosecution later. Also, they could be honest citizens who truly want to help the betterment of society. However, those who are criminals belong to an already established ‘criminal culture’ and know other criminals inside out (Geberth, 1979). They are a relevant source to an ongoing investigation that police and intelligence departments use for solving a pending case. The exchange of information for the benefits these criminals desire is an apt way of collaborating to penetrate deep into the criminal subcultures. Some detectives have registered confidential informants who are motivated enough to provide inside information (Geberth, 1979). Still, there remains a risk of their devious personality or appearance that should be monitored under informant control and management system with strict policies and enforced with legally acceptable guidelines (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2005). The crime or criminal problems that might be associated with the use of confidential informants involve:· Taking care of secrecy and transparency so that true information is extracted from the informants who could be trusted with accountability (Blanks, 2018).· Confidential informants who might be drug addicts or real criminals might not be trustworthy (Blanks, 2018). They have little to lose and huge benefits when they agree to offer information from within their subculture (Fernandez & Takei, 2019). They might assume they can get away with lying without having to worry after the release as a perk in exchange for false information.· Using confidential informants might raise questions about the justice system and problematic flaws in formulating public policies using possible insincere information (Blanks, 2018).Learning Task: Week 7Influencing decision-makers is an important step in policy formation that would benefit a maximum number of citizens. The two primary actors- analysts and decision makers- have to act along the lines of their assigned duties and job responsibilities. The pertinent positioning must deal with problem-solving in an ideal ILP world. Ratcliffe’s depiction reflects upon the intelligence used for investigative support, the background hard for collecting data and making analysis for presenting a valuable decision for a certain ‘action’ (Ratcliffe, 2010, p. 3). The diligence put in by the analysts cannot be overstated since it is the transformation of raw data or knowledge into the desired action. A decision-maker can only give a final verdict once the satisfactory version of the analysis is offered with validation of proof of intelligence as a significant tool in the said process or an ideal ILP world, as stated by the author. The changes that could occur at the decision-maker level might include prioritizing the ‘neglect’ element (Ratcliffe, 2010, p. 3). It could largely influence the final decision, which could obscure the entire framework for intelligence and the corresponding decision-making.

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Subtle neglect could be pivotal enough to create an influence that could make the use of sufficient resources ambiguous to handle criminal activities or keep criminality under control. At all local, regional or national levels, law enforcement must ensure a change in decision-maker capacity to infuse meaningful information for translating it into meaningful action. The intelligence of the decision maker encapsulates the course of action right from the start of the process in which analysts and decision-makers both are involved (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2017,…

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…and strategic crime prevention (Byrne & Marx, 2011, p. 23). Learning Task: Week 10While in charge of transforming an organization, one of Ratcliffe’s agendas, the ‘next generation of leaders,’ would be highly treasured. With strong leadership, it is believed that police agency and policy formulation would be a smooth process with the incorporation of an ethical team-building process that would be aimed at conveniently identifying crime risk with opportunities for their prevention. The factors that might inhibit the transformation from occurring are the resistance or readiness of the employees. They must be prepared for the change, particularly how and why it would benefit them. A leader must not communicate superficial goals or missions to followers who do not feel ‘connected’ with the organization. They must not feel like they are just machines used by the leaders to fulfill their tasks. Leaders must create a sense of belonging for the crime prevention team members to motivate them to create a crime-free society for their children and families. How leadership in contemporary times could be conducive to transforming an ILP-targeted organization is an answer needed by managers worldwide. A leader’s accountability, honesty, and transparency in his actions and words would be the first and foremost features that would help predict his personality strong enough to inspire his followers (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2008, p. 5). Criminal investigations would be led holistically so that only one aspect of crime must not be highlighted. A dire need of current times is to envision results-oriented strategies for meeting goals quickly as crimes have evolved rapidly that need prompt actions. For this, communication and information sharing cannot be ignored since sources of crime need to be spotted with clearly established goals from the leadership of his teams. .....

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