ICT in Education the Purpose of This Term Paper

Total Length: 1284 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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ICT in Education

The purpose of this work is to research and examine the fact that "Most schools use a variety of hardware and software to support teaching and learning and to explain how these can be used effectively in the classroom with a focus on schools in the U.K. And the Literacy curriculum.

The objective of this study is the discovery of practical use of hardware and software in the classroom as an instructional tool or support. In past years the issues of whether technology belonged in the realm of the classroom has become the issue of "how will technology be used the most effectively" in order to "create new opportunities for learning and to promote student achievement." (Learning Points Associates, 2005) The preparation of teachers for their teaching career and for the environment of an 'information society" requires that educational institutions be "in the know" in relation to technological models and their uses. It was found in research that "teachers do not feel adequately prepared to integrate technology into their teaching." (Colon, et al., 1995; Office of Technology and Assessment, OTA, 1995 as cited by Gonzales & Thompson, 1998) The Office of Technology and Assessment states that according to the study conducted "technology is not a central part of the experience in learning provided to students who are receiving education and plan to teach even though it is vital in the education, preparation and training of teachers in today's classroom an education environment. According to Gonzales & Thompson (1998) in the work entitled "Reciprocal Mentoring in Technology Use: Reflecting with a Literacy Educator" recent studies resulted in:

"Faculty identifying lack of knowledge about software, time constraints, limited vision of technology's potential for teaching and lack of institutional recognition as obstacles to effectively integrating technology into their curricular." (Gonzales & Thompson, 1998)

The training provided thorough the computer science department is the only training offered at some universities and colleges for technological education and training for the aspiring teacher.

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One argument stated by Willis (1993) is that which questions why it is that the use of hardware and software in view of the practice of teaching is hardly addressed at all in today's schools particularly when it is so vital in preparing students for today's international educational environment. Joellen Killion special projects directors for the National Staff Development Council defines professional development in technology as being an important intervention but stresses that "in order to improve student learning, teachers have to implement their technology knowledge and experience in an effective manner within the classroom. (Technology Leadership Team Institute, 2005)

Components of School-Technology Plan

Stated by Gonzales, (2000) there are components that must present in a school-technological plan, which are the components of:

1) A connection to student learning

2) Hands-On-Technology applications and research,

3) A variety of learning experiences; and

4) Curriculum specific activities.

Fatemi (1999) states that the more growth is experienced by a company then the more varied are the experiences during growth for the company.

Variety of Learning experiences

Integration of technology as a tool in teaching is vital. Toward the effort of this integration a pilot program using one-to-one-mentoring which has been reported as being valuable tool in the support of teacher-educator change. (Gonzales, & Thompson, 1998) Further stated is the fact that the study was witness to: "reciprocal mentoring [which was that which,] provided multiple opportunities for dynamic exchanges in a cost-effective yet personally rewarding avenue to change in teacher education." (Gonzales & Thompson, 1998)

In the United Kingdom the organization named "Bileta" furthers the "teaching, research and scholarship in the fields of IT law and Computers and Law" (BILETA Homepage Online)

Case Studies as Evidence

The pilot program was conducted with five members of the faculty and five students matched by 'area of interest and expertise .... [and was] based on a belief that in….....

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