Hypothetical Speech by Dr. Joby Research Paper

Total Length: 691 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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In fact, Taylor did not only address abnormal psychology on an individual scale, but also discussed how it informs cultural ideals and norms. Taylor spoke about terrorism and how a culture of terrorism impacts the people in the culture. In many ways, what he described about those who join terrorist organizations mirrors what I already know about people in bad neighborhoods who join gangs. They are not necessarily bad people, but people whose choices are so limited and whose fear is so great that a violent choice seems to become the most rational choice available. Taylor did not seem to suggest that this type of abnormal psychology running throughout an entire culture can be fixed by an outsider approaching the culture. However, he did seem to think that how the United States responds to those innocent people who live in the countries where terrorism thrives can help shape cultural attitudes and norms towards people in the United States.

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I have to agree with him because of what I understand about how U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan after Russia's war with Afghanistan helped shape attitudes towards Americans in Afghanistan, overly aggressive behavior that results in civilian deaths will result in an increased risk of terrorist attacks, rather than the desired decreased risk. Furthermore, I believe that Taylor is right that we have to examine how this nationwide desire for vengeance impacts the American psyche. If striving for peace is critical to individuals achieving their full potential, then it seems equally clear that peace is necessary for a country to reach its full potential. The U.S. has been involved in wars on multiple fronts for the last decade. Therefore, I have to agree with Taylor that this is having a negative impact on our collective psychological health, and I think this can be seen in the increased divisiveness in our culture......

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