Humanitarian Engineering the Man Who Term Paper

Total Length: 621 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The story highlights the rigors of international aid work, revealing the very real dangers that greet aid workers.

Moreover, the Chechnya situation highlights the problems with political restructuring. Although the first several sections of the book focuses more exclusively on the character of Cuny himself and not necessarily on Chechnya, Anderson already begins to hint at the political underpinnings and motives for his book. Anderson is showing how humanitarian conflicts brew continually worldwide as geo-political boundaries are artificially drawn around nationalism rather than ethnic integrity. The situation in Chechnya continues to be tense, well over a decade after the disappearance of Cuny and his colleagues. Similar conflicts, such as that of the Kurds, also demand sensitive yet conscientious aid.

Scott Anderson, and especially Fred Cuny, understands the importance of humanitarian engineering as an ethical imperative. Communities of marginalized and oppressed people continue to succumb to international pressure and the dictates of governments with more arms than sensibility or morality.

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And as Anderson suggests, nations like the United States are far from being innocent in their dealings with bully governments. Yet reading The Man Who Tried to Save the World reveals a highly complex set of ethics involved in providing humanitarian aid. Not all situations are black-and-white; in face few actually are. Men like Cuny become involved not because they seek political gains but because they are well suited to meet the challenges of humanitarian aid work in the field. The role of the aid worker will change over time, as the status of the United Nations changes and as globalization erases the importance of nationalism. The ambition of men like Cuny to help those in need comes from a genuine desire to eradicate artificial boundaries; I look forward to reading the rest of Anderson's account......

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