Human Understanding John Locke's Work, Term Paper

Total Length: 1666 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Yolton follows that with what he believes Locke really meant; "The mental content of any act of awareness or thought" is an "idea" to Locke. But as to the primary qualities, on page 130, Yolton breaks Locke's concept of an object into five "propositions." One, objects "have primary qualities non-relationally"; two, objects are observed "or perceived" to have both primary and secondary qualities"; three, the qualities that one can observe to be "dependent upon other objects" are both "perceivers and other bodies"; four, ideas of primary qualities and primary qualities themselves are connected by the same "relation of resemblance"; and five, "the causation of the perception of all qualities is the behaviour of insensible particles on our sense organs."

Meanwhile, it is the belief of this writer that Locke is justified in drawing distinctions between primary and secondary qualities, no matter that scholars and philosophy students may haggle over what Locke really meant. There needs to be distinctions between all matter that is part of our world, and the brightest of the bright scholars and writers have a duty to record what they feel those differences and distinctions of our worldly thoughts and "things" really are, and what they really mean to us. W.M.

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Spellman, writing in the Journal of Religion, put it in an interrogative context that is easy to grasp. "What type of knowledge was really worth having in this life?" The human mind, Spellman wrote, quoting and paraphrasing Locke, is able to "know, and distinguish things; and to examine them so far, as to apply them to our Uses..." Therein lies the bottom line truth that scholars and intellectuals try hard to define in terms of what Locke was really saying. He was just trying to "know" and to "distinguish things" and in that, through his primary and secondary quality search, he showed both his mind's genius and his mettle.


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