Human Resource Information System Analysis Within an Organization Essay

Total Length: 1434 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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HRIS, Tech and Law

Assess the types of changes and new developments in technology and government regulations that should be considered in long-range planning requirements for updating or replacing a HRIS

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is an incorporated system that consists of hardware, software and a database to make available information for HR decision making. It also encompasses personnel, policies, procedures, forms as well as data collected. Owing to the advancement in technology, managers are obliged to be up to par or think ahead so that they are considered obsolete because of the changes in the business world. With regard to updating or replacing Human Resource Information System (HRIS), it is imperative for the organization to gather pertinent information regarding new technology. The organization has to gradually screen the incessantly changing environment and come up with ways of coping with them. The long-standing preparation of HRIS needs work in tandem with the internal structure of the organization. This is due to the fact that development in the long run, shifts away from the prevailing focus, a year in advance. This is essentially the reason why the minute an organization makes the decision to embark on a long-standing development, it needs to deliberate on exactly how comprehensive the strategy ought to be. It also has to take into account how such needs ought to be met (Kavanagh et al., 2012).

Human resource planners collect information regarding the environment and assess such information against the plan set out by the administration of the organization. The strong suit behind human resource planning is to enable organizations to antedate their future necessities and to undertake specific procedures and exercises that will assist them to cater to those requirements (Chakraborty and Mansor, 2013). In addition, reliant on the set of circumstances and requirements of the organization, the HR planning approaches ought to take account of constant gathering of feedback from top-most executives and supervisors in the organization, regarding altering data requirements and growth that are in support with those requirements (Kavanagh et al., 2012).

With respect to the updating or replacement of HRIS within the organization, government regulations ought to be taken into consideration.

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Some of these regulations that the organization ought to take into account include labor, immigration, and employment regulations. This is because such regulations can influence the organization and create difficulties in replacing or updating HRIS in the long-run. Any new government regulations implemented have to be taken into account in updating or replacing HRIS. For instance, the organization has to consider whether client information is being preserved or will be lost in the change of HRIS. In addition, the organization ought to consider whether all of the government authorized forms being attained are signed and archived. The HRIS update or replacement have to take into account labor and employee aspects, such as changes in compensation, safety and security, labor hours and wages, in accordance to any altered government regulations. In addition, planning has to be taken into account and changes to the IT system of the organization ought to be in tandem with the technological advancements of the industry of operation. For instance, majority of the organizations employ SAP system which offers effectual services in recording data and information of personnel and also other stakeholders of the organization.

Disadvantages of Using Interviews

Interviews necessitate additional expertise and abilities for the purposes of moderation. Another drawback is that the quality of data and information provided in an extensive interview report largely depends on the abilities of the interviewer and quality of texts undertaken during the course of information gathering from the targeted interviewees. An additional drawback of employing interviews is that having a researcher with poor skills and inadequate knowledge to undertake the interviews, results in poor quality outcomes. Bearing in mind that interviews may be piloted in an assortment of settings, the investigator in question has restricted control over the setting in which the interview is undertaken. In addition, the settings go in tandem with the social and cultural differences. These dissimilarities might restrict the quality of the responses the interviewer attains from the interviewees. Another disadvantage is that interviews cannot include generalizations to larger audiences. This is principally because plenty of interviews necessitate one-on-one cross-examination of respondents to facilitate information collection. Take a broad view of….....

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