Hugo & Thompson the Past Thesis

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A related reason is the nature of data sources and the definition of adult education of the time. Hugo (1990, p.9) says in this regard that " involvement by women that later histories interpreted as marginal...represented only a fraction of the adult education work women did." The main reason for this was not as much a conscious marginalization of women in the profession, but also how the profession was defined. According to Hugo (p.9), voluntary adult education organizations run by women would not have reported their activities to record keepers, simply because they did not feel that they belonged to the field in a formal capacity.

The fact that marginalization is not the only issue, should definitely be kept in mind. This does not however mean that these issues and also historical visibility are not important. It means only that all the reasons for the historical invisibility of women in the field should be brought to light, examined thoroughly, and remedied. This can be a valuable lesson, as the popular saying, "those who do no learn from history are doomed to repeat it" would imply. In order to ascribe to women their rightful place in the adult education sector, this rightful place should also be acknowledged in historical terms.

Thompson (1997, p.43), on the other hand, appears to disagree with the marginalization theory. According to her view, it is important to distinguish between intent and consequences in terms of the specific historical period in question: "...historians have neglected to consider the concept of ideologically contested meaning...that reflect alternative paths - and ongoing conflicts over meaning - with differing consequences for women." The author appears to contend that, because terms such as "patriarchal" and "professionalization" (p.43) do not have clearly delineated meanings even today, this should also be applied to the effects of marginalization in the past as perceived via the ideologies of today.

I would however disagree. Hugo indeed points to this very point in her work with her reference to the above-mentioned volunteer organizations in adult education. The contention is not however over the degree of perceived marginalization at the time. The point is that women in the field are historically invisible for various reasons, only one of which is terms, meanings, and perceptions during the time in question. Thompson appears to focus solely on the semantic issue: the way in which marginalization (or its absence) was expressed and understood, as opposed to the consequences of this understanding now. She approaches the subject from a very intellectual, and to some degree valid, viewpoint.

It is however not valid for the purpose of using history as a learning tool. Whatever term is used to denote it, women in adult education are historically invisible. Making them visible to educators and students in the field today will provide professionals in the field both with inspiration and with important role models. I feel that this is far more important than attempting to intellectualize the issue on a semantic level.

In conclusions, while the intentions and consequences of past and present semantics may be divergent, the fact of marginalization remains and should be remedied. Exposing the roles of women in adult education in history will provide the world with a much more accurate vision of the contributions that these unsung heroines provided for both their contemporaries and the generations to follow them. Surely this is more concretely important than comparing semantics in order to prove historically good intentions......

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