HRM-340-Human Resource Info System Subject Case Senario: Essay

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HRM-340-Human Resource Info System Subject CASE SENARIO: Castle's Family Restaurant restaurants northern California area approximately 300-340 employees.

Human resource information systems

The Castle Family Restaurant is formed from a chain of eight facilities, employing an estimated 340 staff members, most of whom work as part time employees. The human resource responsibilities have been assigned to Jay Morgan, the operations manager, who is challenged by both the responsibilities, as well as the volume of work. Furthermore, Jay Morgan has to travel each week in each of the locations to implement the human resource measures which are necessary and the effort is becoming too costly for the overall firm.

In order to address these issues at Castle's Family Restaurant, recommendations have been forwarded towards the development and implementation of a more comprehensive plan for human resource management. This plan would include the hiring of a specialized human resource manager, the delegation of HR responsibilities to local managers and the implementation of a human resource information system (HRIS). The HR system would increase efficiency and reduce costs and the scope at this level is that of identifying the most suitable HRIS to be implemented at the Castle's Family Restaurant.


The specialized literature identifies several types of human resource information systems, each characterized by their own shortages and strengths. The more common types of HRIS systems include the following:

Operational systems

Tactical systems

Strategic systems

Limited function systems, and Comprehensive systems (MBA Knowledge Base).

The operational HRIS systems provide the company with support in conducting repetitive and routine operations, such as the positions within the entity or regulations regarding the employees and other federal laws. The operational systems can be further classified into employee information systems, position control systems, applicant selection and placement systems, performance management information systems and government reporting and compliance information systems.

The tactical systems provide assistance with decisions related to the allocation of the resources.

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At the specific level of the system types in this category, these include the job analysis and design information systems, the recruiting systems, the information systems for compensation and benefits and systems for employee training and development.

The strategic human resource systems seek a wider approach of the human resource management and the systems focus on the provision of support for workforce planning, labor negotiations and specialized human resource. The limited function HRIS are created and implemented for specific functions, such as training. Last the comprehensive systems are designed as better integrated solutions which address several aspects of human resource management.

In the case of the Castle Family Restaurant's, the human resource issues are complex and they pertain to various domains. For instance, the new human resource information system would have to address issue of cost reduction, staffing, as well as employee supervision, decision making and so on. In other words, it is impossible to devise and implement a sole purpose system to solve all the issues at the family restaurant. In this order of ideas, the recommendation is that of implementing a comprehensive system, since this addresses various HRM issues and increases the overall quality of the HRM act.

The benefit of this comprehensive system is that it relies on complex databases that store vast information on the firm. The human resource manager then can utilize the database to create reliable reports and better support the decision making process at the level of staff management.

"In the last few years, the software industry has produced several products that organize the various human resource information systems into integrated software referred to as human resource information systems, or HRIS, software.

In general, the computerization of HRIS has resulted in an integrated database of human resource files. Position files, employee files, skills inventory files, job analysis….....

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