HR Services &Bull; Identifies at Least 3 Essay

Total Length: 979 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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HR Services

• Identifies at least 3 users of HR services within an organization

The major consultants of HR Services are the employers and within the company the management requires the services of the HR not only for selection of the right employees but also to increase productivity and efficiency Inn view of the modern researches that have been conducted in the field it is found that occupation choice and performance are influenced by the personality factors and these in turn influence person-job fit. Researches showed that HR managers have differences from the other type of managers and even from non-managerial HR specialists. (Lounsbury; Steel; Gibson; Drost, 2008, p. 357)

The second category would be the worker or the employee who wish to either better hi career or arbitrate the working conditions. The human resource department also functions as the arbitrator where two of these parties are in dispute and over that also manages the way the work is done. Today in the competitive environment selection of the appropriate staff and training the personnel are also part of the human resource management. In that angle the three streams that would use the services are the managers, the staff and the marketing section which relies largely on human endeavor. The third category will be the potential employee or the applicant for a job, and though not an insider any person who wishes to enter a firm passes through the selection process conducted by the HR. If the quality of the HR and the way the selection is designed is not appropriate then there will be anomalies.

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These three types of identities often interact with the HR divisions.

• Identifies at least 3 methods of communication appropriate to employees at different levels

Communication with the view of human resource involves multiple layers based on the communication sought to be delivered. Firstly the HR need to be able to communicate job descriptions, roles, training and processes to the employees for which there also need be the basic level of language and articulation involved that is based on the employee understandability. In other words the communication occurs at the person's capacity level. The second would be the way the training and appraisals and the communication of the effectiveness is given to the employee that is the way the communication no only informs but also motivates. Human resource being the most valuable asset of the company the need is in this level to make unambiguous communication such that not only are the individual employees filled with the relevant facts but on an organizational basis there is insemination of company objectives and values and proper training of concepts and method to the employee. Where the employee is to be fired, then the communication has to be made in a level and manner that it is not hurtful or does not devastate the person. (Schulert; MacMillan, 1987, p. 216)

The second set of communication relates to….....

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