HR Magazine (Vol. 52 No. Research Proposal

Total Length: 348 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

There is also the danger of discrimination against a potential employee via uncovering a criminal history, a poor driving record, or other information which reveals an applicant's race, religious beliefs and marital status, all of which could led to a civil lawsuit against the employer by the employee. Zeidner also warns that online databases accessed by untrained employer screeners could result in locating out-of-date and incomplete data on a potential employee.

Overall, Zeidner advises all employers and screeners who utilize the Internet to search an applicant's background must be very wary and try to stick to well-known and trustworthy sites like the Social Security Administration and even the Department of Homeland Security.
For the potential employee, Zeidner warns them to be careful about what they post on the Internet, for it may result in not obtaining a much-needed and high-paying job.


De Palma, Paul. (2009). Annual Editions: Computers….....

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