Hitler's "Drive to the East" Essay

Total Length: 623 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Concomitantly with the invasion of Poland and with the Allies declaring war on Germany, Hitler had raised his awareness relating to how his expansion had been pressured by the Allies. The military power owned by the Nazis proved its strength as the German troops had rendered the Maginot Line (then believed to be the strongest fortification in the world) ineffective, as the flanking technique that they employed had made the French defense appear to be extremely vulnerable. The military owned by the Allies had been no match for Hitler's military technology and the strategies that he used in 1940.

It would appear that Hitler decision to attack the countries in the west had not been purely strategic, nor had it solely had military purposes. Part of his decision had been strongly influenced by the fact that Germany had been virtually humiliated by several western powers consequent to the end of the First World War. Even though it had been clear that the armed forces possessed by French would have no chance of stopping the Germans, Hitler knew that the conquering of France would have a strong impact on Germany, and, on the whole world.
While the Nazis did not necessarily express their desire to go to war against Britain, it had been obvious that the overall plans that Hitler had could not function without this occurrence.

One can consider that the mystery of Hitler wanting to attack western countries (even though he did not initially believe that such an act would be profitable) is similar to the mystery related to him wanting to attack the Soviet Union, in spite of the fact that he had previously signed a non-aggression act with the country. In both cases, he knew that he and his country would have little chances of accomplishing their goals as long as they had been put at risk….....

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