Hip Hop Culture and Politics Term Paper

Total Length: 755 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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They are taken for granted that is why here in the site of hsan.org, you can paste your comments and suggestions or even views and analysis when it comes to political issues. There is freedom of expression here in the HSAN as long as what you put in that site is valid. There are a lot of entertainers now who gives meaning to the youth opinions and some of them were Americans, their music are louder than before because every part of the world are already hooked up to each and every one so accessed to information are easy and within reach. Here are some of the information about HSAN's aspiration based on the online source, http://www.hsan.org/Content/main.aspx?pageid=27:

1. We want freedom and the social, political and economic development and empowerment of our families and communities; and for all women, men and children throughout the world.

2. We want equal justice for all without discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, creed or class.

3. We want the total elimination of poverty.

4. We want the highest quality public education equally for all.

5. We want the total elimination of racism and racial profiling, violence, hatred and bigotry.

The Hip-Hop Summit Action or known as HSAN is an organization that helps interpret Hip-Hop music to the significance of cultural beliefs. This organization gives meaningful interpretation to music and to be able to assist youth especially in the society. This is a non-governmental organization. One of the major themes of HSAN is to support the music industry especially dedicated to the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council (HSYC). I do agree with their mission and vision when it comes to educating and helping youth voice out their concerns through music and sometimes it helps us understand their views when it come to social concerns. They encourage youth to be aware of what is happening with our country and at the same time hear their opinions. These are a good theme, we sometimes forget the youth's observations and analysis but this organization empowers the youth......

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