Hilarious Film Starring Many Actors Who Appeared Term Paper

Total Length: 307 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

hilarious film starring many actors who appeared in Christopher Guest's earlier films 'This is Spinal Tap' and Waiting for Guffman. The movie focuses on the inherent silliness of everyday life. With improvisation and excellent camera work, Guest manages to capture the life of an ordinary man on the camera. The basic premise is that if you catch a group of people and observe their lives closely, you will find numerous instances of inanity. The best thing about the show is its spontaneity.

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It revolves around a Dog Show and people's reaction to the same. Even the dogs are used as characters and most of their actions are not choreographed, creating endless potential for hilarity and silliness. There are five couples: Gerry and Cookie Fleck with their Norwich Terrier Winky, Harlan Pepper with his Bloodhound Hubert, Hamilton and Meg with their Weimeraner, Beatrice, Sherri Ann Ward Cabot and handler Christy Cummings with….....

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