Higher Education Models Higher Education Thesis

Total Length: 1589 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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It is therefore a very new field, and could cause not only anxiety, but also a number of mistakes before the best way of integration is found.

In order to improve this situation, I believe that both management and employees can work together. There are many professional companies that can assist management in ironing out projected difficulties. It companies can for example identify problems that the University may not be aware of, and mitigate these before they occur.

Another possibility for improvement is regional and even countrywide integration via the online environment. Certain departments from other universities can for example be recruited to complement the local department, for the benefit of both. In terms of the financial aspect, care should be taken to govern integration in such a way that competition will remain on a level to provide learners with the best possible education.

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I believe that the future for both my institution and others of its kind is extremely bright. The future will certainly bring possibilities of education that can currently not even be imagined. The success of such a future will be ensured by targeted integration and effective leadership. Among all these changes, it should be kept in mind that the focus of learning institutions is indeed the learning process and its students, or clients. Market demands and healthy competition should therefore play a primary role in this......

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